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What is Value for Value? 

The Value for Value (V4V) model, as defined and popularized by Adam Curry (legend), is a monetization philosophy that emphasizes direct reciprocity between creators and their audience.


It operates on the principle that creators provide content and in return, the audience contributes value based on what they feel the content is worth.


This model eliminates controlling intermediaries like advertisers or centralized subscription platforms (Netflix/Spotify) where creators get pennies per view, do not have transparency in who is consuming their content, and have to wait up to 12 months for a payout.


The V4V model brings back control in the hands of creators and educators and fosters a direct peer-to-peer relationship with fans, consumers, and students.​

My Hybrid Value for Value 2.0 Model

Because I am on a mission to scale LOVE to millions and create a more peaceful and prosperous world for ALL using the power of music, Bitcoin, wellness, art, consciousness evolution, movement, manifesting, meditation, and mindfulness, I need a monetiztion model that aligns with my values as a Bitcoiner.


For ALL of my digital content, podcast, videos, meditations, music, newsletter, courses, and community I offer a suggested Value for Value exchange and want everyone on Earth to have access to the Divine Life Work that I BELIEVE will positively transform lives. 


No one will ever be denied access to my digital work, especially courses and community, for lack of funds. 


Because in my 35 years experience of personal transformation as a student, teacher, and coach, I learned that you must have some skin in the game in order to take your transformational work seriously, so some value must be exchanged.


And it could be your time, treasure or talent. Not just $$


"You pay attention to what you pay for" 


For 1:1 Coaching, Consulting, Speaking, and DJ Events, there is only one of me so I do receive set fees.


For manufactured work like books, journals, decks, apps, these will be fixed fees for obvious reasons. 


Your generous support helps keep this work alive and available to everyone. 


Thank You and God Bless! 


Wishing YOU Peace, LOVE, & Warm Aloha

DJ Valerie B LOVE - The Vibe Goddess 💜


If you do quote my work in public, I would appreciate a tag and acknowledgement. Thanks! 

Thank You for Being a Patron of My Work

You can choose to contribute a one time offering here or of course join the 11x LOVE Code Masterclass and 11x LOVE LaB and start a journey of radical personal transformation today.

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©2025 💜 DJ Valerie B LOVE 

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This website is intended for information purposes only. Nothing in it should be construed as financial, investment or medical advice. We are not financial advisors, lawyers, or doctors. Before deciding whether to invest in bitcoin, cryptocurrency, stocks, real estate, your Uncle Bob's latest business, or anything, DYOR you should do your own extensive research into the financial and technical aspects involved and consult your professional financial advisors, attorneys, and tax team.  Always consult your medical professional before making decisions and actions related to your physical and mental health. Absolutely nothing in this website should be considered advice related to that decision.

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