SNAP! Goes the Human
Short Story Collection Submission
EVERY living organism has a breaking point - a SNAPPING! point.
Even if you are a CEO, Mom, doctor, student, race car driver, billionaire, artist, plumber, coach, teacher, etc - you too can SNAP! under enough back to back pressures and events.
Shame and stigma around mental health, domestic abuse, addiction, financial trouble, physical illness, relationship breakdowns, and family issues.
Many high-functioning, powerful people are collapsing under the cumulative pressure and demands of being successful professionals and domestic rockstars.
Many find themselves in a downward spiral but are afraid or embarrassed to say the 3 most important words that can save their lives: “I need help”.
Sharing stories of other similar folks who have “SNAPPED” and resources for how they built their way back better than ever and consistent support and accountability growth-groups
1. Collect anonymous stories from people all over the world detailing their before, during, and after “SNAPPING” with the intention of educating, inspiring, empathizing, and empowering individuals with compassion, support and tools to rebuild their lives at whatever stage they may be along their healing and recovery journey.
(stories must be anonymous to protect individuals and their children from future harm - I got a threatening cease and desist letter when I did an interview with a domestic violence survivor who wanted to use her real name and face)
2. 11x LOVE Method = (think Chicken Soup for the Soul meets Plant Medicine Retreats meets consistent shame-free 12-Step styled programs)
Publish stories on SGTH blog, YT channel, print books, newsletters, and podcast
Monthly summits and weekly growth-groups to share stories and direct folks toward support
Lightning splits for all contributors when folks “tip” or zap the blog posts, episodes, etc