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Are You Tired Feeling Like Crap Because You Are Saying
Yes to Your No's and
No to Your Yes's? 

Are you a high-achieving, mission-driven entrepreneur, creative, healer, or changemaker feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, or like an imposter despite your success?


Are you struggling to juggle all 11 areas of life and feel like something or someone is always falling through the cracks? 


Has sh!t really hit the fan this time and now you have to decide which pieces to pick up and what to let go of so you can rebuild your awesome new life?​

If so, TODAY is your LUCKY Day! 

Becky Strauss
COO Aquarian Devices

Working with Val has been a major gift for me. I experienced anxiety during business meetings, and she really understood me, and a simple, life changing tool she gave me is the heart beat tapping.


Heidi Cuppari
Founder/CEO, Dreamtank

I would recommend  Valerie to anyone who wants a deeper connection with themselves, let go of unhealthy patterns, feel love, receive support, and bring more laughter in their life!


Adam Cleveland
LEED AP, Senior Estimator

Valerie has a unique way of shining light on my blind spots and helping me have AHA moments of new perspective shifts and hacks to get out of old stuck ways of thinking and doing. She is amazing.

Do You Really Know Why You Are Here? 

Remember the Blues Brothers? 


“We’re on a mission from God” 


Well, so are YOU. 


Maybe you just lost your way or forgot. 


I am here to help you remember your “Why” and remodel your pathway to your blessed meaningful life.


It's now or never to step into your full power and create massive impact with your Divine Life Mission while living in harmony and avoiding burnout.


If You're Not Having Soulgasms Every. Single. Day.
What Are You Doing With Your Life?

Do You Desire a Divine Journey of Transformation from:

â—‡ Overwhelmed → Empowered

â—‡ Chaos → Calm 

â—‡ Confusion → Clarity

â—‡ Disconnection → Divine LOVE

â—‡ Imposter Syndrome → Authentic Badass

â—‡ Surviving → Thriving

â—‡ Fragile → Resilient

â—‡ Trapped → Free

â—‡ Tolerated → Celebrated

â—‡ Powerless → Bulletproof

â—‡ Fear → Faith

â—‡ Pain → Pleasure

â—‡ Abandoned → Belonging

â—‡ Self-Abuse → Self-Love

â—‡ Shame → Compassion

â—‡ Unappreciated → Treasured

â—‡ Struggling → Skillful

â—‡ Not Enough→ Just Right

â—‡ Depressed → Inspired

â—‡ Regret → Wisdom

â—‡ Sorrow → Joy

â—‡ Shunned → Peaceful

â—‡ Anxiety → Relief

â—‡ Annoyed  → Delighted

â—‡ Seeking Approval → Self-Acceptance

â—‡ Lonely → Connected

â—‡ Suffering → Soothed

â—‡ Stressed → Blessed

â—‡ Loss → Fulfilled

â—‡ Resistant → Supported

â—‡ Attached → Secure

â—‡ Limited → Capable

â—‡ Remorse → Forgiven

â—‡ Uncertain → Relaxed

â—‡ Broke → Infinite Supply

â—‡ Resentment → Forgiving

â—‡ Doomed → Grace

â—‡ Lazy → Motivated

â—‡ Doubtful → Believing

â—‡ Controlling → Surrender

â—‡ Restless → Focused

â—‡ Bored → Activated

â—‡ Irritable → At Ease

â—‡ Angry → Gentle

â—‡ Jealous → Compersion

â—‡ People Pleasing → Healthy Boundaries

â—‡ Rejected → Redirected

â—‡ Bullied → Brave

â—‡ Outraged → Neutral

â—‡ Insecure → Self-Assured

â—‡ Too Much → Creative Expression

â—‡ Excluded → Included

â—‡ Used → Valued

â—‡ Abused → Self-Respect

â—‡ Threatened → Protected

â—‡ Betrayed → Delayed

â—‡ Ignored → Nurtured

â—‡ Embarrassed → Dignity

â—‡ Complaining → Gratitude

â—‡ Inhibited → Full Expression

â—‡ Lying → Honest

â—‡ Frazzle → Dazzle

â—‡ Worthless → Useful

â—‡ Avoidant → Engaged

â—‡ Scarcity → Abundance

â—‡ Weakness → Confidence

â—‡ Blah → Awe and Wonder

â—‡ Stuck → Flowing

â—‡ Selfish → Generous

â—‡ Negative → Positive

â—‡ Disgust → Empathy

â—‡ Exhausted → Energized

â—‡ Undeserving → Loveable

â—‡ Apathy → Passion

Of course you do!
Who wouldn't? 

My goal is to help you change the way you
look at and DO your personal growth and manifesting

Happy 11x LOVE Students

My heart is overfilled with joy and peace after making my 11x LOVE Code.


I was struggling in getting clarity in what type of clients I wanted for my small business.


I felt that I wasn't being treated the way I deserve. I met Valerie who is this beautiful bright shining light of pure love and positivity. Her system and her pure energy guided me through the 11x LOVE Code.


I never knew how much clarity I didn't have, and how painful it was to ask for the things I wanted. I somehow felt I didn't deserve to ask.


After completing (it took me a whole week of inner reflection) it I felt immediately lighter and more clear and the most serendipitous things began to happen. People and deals that were not for me gently drifted away, I got new clients seemingly out of the blue and my income tripled with clients that appreciate my work.


I literally sleep with my Code and review it weekly. It keeps me in the frame I want to be in and I am forever grateful! You take the time to fill your cup and you will be amazed at the energy that clears and what that allows to flow to you. Thanks so much Valerie!

Khrystian Niyoko -

mother stressed out work from home executive, kids screaming, photorealistic, messy house,
Do You Suffer From “Juggle Struggle”? 

Are you a changemaker who struggles in silence trying to juggle all 11 areas of life, constantly feeling overwhelmed, stretched thin and that one or more parts of your life is always slipping through the cracks? 

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time or energy for yourself because you are busy taking care of others and the world?

Has sh!t hit the fan and you have you gone through a recent major life event that has left you feeling lost, alone, drained, uncertain, frazzled, or scattered?

Do you sometimes feel like throwing in the towel,  why bother, and giving up on life and your mission? 

Fear not - life doesn't have to be like this

11x LOVE Method


Sections 1-4 Are the 11x LOVE Code Masterclass
Section 5 is the 11x LOVE LaB Community

Through our proven framework, you'll experience a total identity, mindset, heartset and skill transformation across all 11 dimensions of life, guided by ancient wisdom, modern science, sound money and fueled by LOVE.


The future of a more peaceful and empowered holistically harmonious life is LOVE based 


NOT just:













It’s ALL of the above rooted in LOVE 

It’s ALL of the above anchored in LOVE

It’s ALL of the above connected to LOVE

It’s ALL of the above serving LOVE

It’s ALL of the above fueled by LOVE


And it's ALL of the above interconnected and a holistic system where everything impacts everything in YOUR life system aka your HOS - Human Operating System. 


Remember my goal is to help you change the way you look at your personal growth and manifesting.

What Makes This Different


The 11x LOVE Method isn't just another course that ends up in the course graveyard with no results.


It's a complete Human Operating System upgrade with “God” in the center of your "HOS". (God, Universe, Source, Creator, etc) 


It is a holistic, integrated, and sustainable lifestyle.


(and it's Value for Value 2.0 using Bitcoin and gamification - I'll explain below) 


Many “coaching” models like the Wheel of Life have “God” as a separate segment or NOT even integrated at all.


Why is this SO important?


First, I’ll share a little story that perhaps you can relate to.


9 years ago, I was stuck at the very rock bottom of Dr. David R. Hawkins “Scale of Consciousness"


Never in a million years would I have imagined that I would SNAP! and completely fall apart. I was a Supermom (cape included), loving devoted wife, good daughter, entrepreneur, PTO president, badass DJ, sailor, yogi, and loyal friend. 


All in a matter of months these events happened:

  • Midlife sexual crisis and big relationship issues

  • Moving from warm island home to stranger in a cold town

  • Dealing with Alzheimer’s parent

  • New business stress and overwhelm

  • Suffered in silence

  • Thought it was just a phase and I could get myself out 

  • Too proud and embarrassed to ask for help

  • Hormone imbalance thyroid/ pre-menopause

  • Terrible sleep issues

  • Anxiety and depression


Leaving me feeling:

  • Afraid and alone

  • Unappreciated and lost

  • Worthless and useless

  • Trapped and powerless

  • Guilty and ASHAMED


Sadly I let my life fall apart and like the Twin Towers, it completely exploded and disintegrated.



  • All of these stressors happening at the same time 

  • Not having the fully-developed coping skills and stronger daily practice

  • Not seeing aligned and proper professionals

  • Lack of appropriate community support

  • The debilitating shame and not having the courage to say these 3 magic words 


“I Need HELP” 


I ended up:

  • Drinking like a sailor on shore leave to numb it all

  • Hurting my family and loved ones

  • Divorcing from a 14 year mostly awesome marriage

  • Near-death from a suicide attempt thinking my family would be better off without my messy ass

  • Rehab (MeHab as I now affectionately refer to it as) 

  • Discovering even more childhood sexual trauma

  • Spiritual re-awakening

  • Painfully remodeling my life from the inside out 


As well intentioned as therapists are, like an auto mechanic, when you see a car that is basically about to explode or has just been in a 7 car pile-up, you don’t work on it for an hour and tell your customer to drive it home and come back once a week to work on it.  


That would be dangerous and ineffective. 


Sadly that is the state of most therapeutic practices

hence not amazing results.


Great for maintenance and washing the car but not for severe damage to the whole vehicle. 

Even though, after the SNAP! I initially needed more intensive life remodeling and healing - aka deep body work and repair at the “shop”, I knew the key to long-lasting holistic wellness and empowerment would be anchored in how I live each moment of my life every single day.


I knew I needed some type of daily practice that was easy and engaging enough that I could remember all the steps to do on 1 hand yet detailed enough to cover all the bases of life.


I knew I needed a better way to manage all of the massive life changes in a holistic way that didn’t take up 10 hours a day and thousands of dollars a week.


I needed….


A daily holistic wellness and empowerment practice, but not just any practice.

The 3 biggest issues I ran across as a now single-mompreneur were:


“Dang this takes way too much time, too much money, and the programs are not comprehensive and integrative in all 11 areas of life ”

I didn’t have the time, money or energy to go to a daily yoga, meditation, dance, coaching, trauma and talk therapy, business workshops, my work, and 12-step meetings  (I’ll explain the pros and cons below and why I quit 12-step and started developing the 11x LOVE Method). 


AND be a Supermom to my 2 most important humans on Earth. 


One of the many inspirations for the 11x LOVE Method came from my trial and error with all the personal and professional programs I was doing (I spent over 6-figures and 5000 hours over 8 years) - one important one was the 12-step program which I found to be amazing in some senses and extremely disempowering in others. 


Pros of 12-Steps

I loved the methodical steps and the framework of peer-to-peer support, sponsor/sponsee support, decentralized consistency anywhere in the world, shared struggle around specific issues (alcohol, gambling, sex, drugs, debt, food), and a compassionate community.


Cons of 12-Steps

The diseased label and identity of “I am an _____”  porn addict, alcoholic, workaholic, gambling addict, overeater, etc was toxic to my soul since I believe and know my only true identity is a beloved child of God.



How could one expect to outgrow and evolve from past behaviors if identified as a “diseased label”?



There are many studies done on “Labeling Theory” with ex-convicts who have paid their debt to society in jail but when returning to the real world when labeled as ex-con vs not being labeled, they are exponentially more likely to internalize that identity, face community challenges, then get repeat offenses and be reincarcerated.



“The strongest force in the universe is the need for a human being to live in consistency with his identity”

Tony Robbins 



When these 12-step groups are consistently telling you, in addition to you repeating out loud daily in front of others, that you are broken and diseased, addicted and incurable, chances are way higher that you will eventually relapse into that diseased identity. (50% of 12-step members relapse) 


I could not accept that as a way toward my beautiful future life and healed self. 


I am grateful for the lessons of 12-step for sure but knew for sure I was not a “diseased label”.


It does not mean that I should go out and practice self-medicating behaviors like drinking alcohol again but it did free me from the terrible, shame-filled labels. 


There is typically unhealed childhood trauma causing these behavior and thought patterns and highly skilled professionals are needed to help resolve these debilitating wounds.


I believe one must be brave and know thyself, do deep healing work, AND do deep visionary work in the form of the 11x LOVE Code. 


Bill W. changed the world with 12-Steps and for many this program is a lifesaver and that is amazing!


But I believe it's time for an evolved, holistic 3.0 version that people would be proud to wear a T-Shirt and shout from the rooftops that they are doing deep, meaningful personal growth and building new habits so they can rock their Divine Life Missions. ​


So as a LOVE Hacker, I ventured out to go even deeper and test and implement different practices, modalities, theories, therapies, methods, etc - leading to those 5000 hours and over 6-figures of investment to create a path that worked for me and now I want to share it with you so you don’t have to go through all of that time, frustration and expense. 


However this is not a shortcut to results. 


You must do the work.  


Every day.


Just like brushing your teeth. 


How many days this week did you go without brushing your teeth? 


None I imagine. 


(If so, stop reading this, go brush your teeth and come back afterward.)


Your Daily LOVE Power Practice deserves the same commitment.


Once I connected the dots and realized EVERYTHING was my responsibility and that EVERYTHING in my life and ALL of life is an infinitely interconnected SYSTEM where each area impacts ALL areas. 


BOOM! Big AHA moment. 


I realized I had been neglecting certain areas too long and focusing on others too much leading to a TOTAL SYSTEM COLLAPSE


I realized I was out of HARMONY (not balance because balance is BS) in all 11 areas of my life. 


I realized what I do or do not do in 1 area of my life - my SYSTEM impacts EVERY area - nothing is untouched. It may not be immediate consequences of each action, but over time each area of life is impacted. 


So the awesome news is that YOU are in control baby. Of ALL 11 areas!


The 11x LOVE Method is a comprehensive, creative, and doable roadmap and community for your journey toward more LOVE each day in your one and only blessed life.


The good news is, it is like a choose your adventure game where you mix and match the experiences to get your desired outcome based on your unique needs at the time.


Rather than being only focused on the results, you also get to fall in LOVE with the process of creating the life of your dreams. 


“It’s about the journey NOT the destination” 


As a sailor and former USCG Chartboat Captain,  the above quote is one thing I always shared with my students because they would get impatient and want to get “There”. 


“There” is an illusion. 


HERE and NOW is actually the only true moment and place so enjoy the present and the process because it is a gift and it is the ONLY reality there is. 


Everything else is either in the past or future which are constructs that cause anxiety, depression, remorse, frustration, etc so why would you want to go and live “There”? 


So along this glorious journey using the 11x LOVE Method and playing the Game of LOVE, the best part is NO area of your life gets accidentally neglected leading to another system crash.  


Actual footage of me leaving my last relationship when I didn't follow my 11x LOVE Code

Would your life be 11x better if you could:

​Feel More Divinely Supported Daily

Feel More Mojo + Flow Daily

Feel More Confidence Daily

Feel More Power + Purpose Daily

Feel More Authentic + Alive Daily

​Feel More Prosperous Daily

​Feel More Unstoppable Daily

Feel More Energy Daily

Feel More Sensual + Playful Daily

Feel More Connection + Belonging Daily

Feel More LOVE + Harmony Daily

Feel More Inner Peace Daily

Feel More Efficient + Effective Daily

​Feel More Fierce + Focused Daily

Changemakers are at higher risk of burnout and need holistic, consistent support and accountability to thrive in all 11 areas of life and need to be efficient in how you do it.


Results You Will Achieve with Your 11x LOVE Code

Becoming the ROCKSTAR you are born to be and leaving a trace of LOVE, light and grace with your unique gifts.


Let go of thinking you have to do it all by yourself so you can get on to rocking your Divine Life Mission with your full power baby.


Feeling more aligned every single day on the 3 most critical areas to ensure that all 11 areas of your life are aligned toward your ultimate destiny.


Understanding your values, beliefs, potential roadblocks and challenges “Villains” early on to allow proactive problem-solving.


Feeling of having more internal control, laser-beam focus, crystal clarity of your Yes's and No's (healthy boundaries and dreams) and organization of your busy life. 


Feeling more faith, connection and support from "God" to fuel each moment with LOVE, gratitude, and inner peace.


Feeling more compassionate and magnetic, attracting right relationships, and easily letting misaligned ones go.


Waking up with more motivation, inspiration, and hi-vibe energy to rock your Divine Life Mission.


Growing kindred connections and support with impact-driven changemakers like yourself. 


Feeling of flow, harmony in all 11 areas of life, and financial sovereignty by connecting to the Divine Infinite Supply.


Understanding yourself (MEhd) and life as an infinitely connected holistic system (HOS) and how to master your internal state to manifest your Divine Life Mission.

Tripod for God




​​Remember what I said earlier about why it is SO important to have “God” at the center of your life? 


I used to be allergic to the word "God" and would say Universe, Source, The Divine, The Field, Great Spirit, Creator, LOVE, etc to refer to God. 


I always considered myself “spiritual not religious” and I still do. 


I believe the stories of all religions are valuable and have something to teach us and it is up to us to decide if we resonate with one or the other or all of the above. 


That is a personal choice.


One that is yours and yours alone. 


I happened to receive the gift of direct experience with God that transformed me permanently.


Exit Stage Left:


After waking up cold, naked, alone, and my hair filled with chunks of vomit in a hotel 8 years ago from trying to exit the planet because I thought everyone would be better off without me and my giant mess, I got a visit from God.  (I’ll share the whole backstory in the LOVE Lab) 


I begged God not to let me die and not to let my children lose their mommy and in exchange I was told to help others not go through what I had just suffered from. 


Total disharmony and collapse of my body, mind, soul, and relationships. 


I eagerly agreed and after years of prep I finally feel ready to honor that promise. 


Everything I do revolves around, through, and from God which I also call LOVE. 


"God is my supply" 

Philippians 4:19


I still make mistakes, have blind spots, old traumas get triggered, old patterns need reprogramming, and old thinking needs debugging yet I am working on evolving and healing each and every day. 


I don’t imagine I will ever be done with the evolution of my soul.


Sometimes my soul falls asleep at the wheel and my ego and fears creep in again and start to try to fill my “soul-hole” with the 5’Ds, Diamonds, Drugs, Donuts, Digital and D!cks. 


There’s a great song called “Jesus Take the Wheel” by Carrie Underwood 


It reminds me to stop struggling to do everything on my own and to turn it over to God because there is only 1 thing that will ever fill that “soul-hole” and it is LOVE aka God. 


God in our hearts is the ultimate gift and since God is the giver, rejoice in God being the greatest giver and the greatest gift.


It seems so simple yet easier said than done to undo all of our mental models, traumas, and old programs, aka "old code". 


It is a never-ending journey here on Earth and we all come with what one of my teachers calls a “spiritual curriculum”. 


My belief is that the main curriculum is LOVE and we get to play and learn about it each and every day. 


Not only when sitting in meditation in the morning but each and every second of every single day is our spiritual practice, The Game of LOVE. 


So I like to make things more fun and we learn and retain information best through repetitive play like singing, movement, and games. 


When we look at things as a chore and bore rather than with curiosity and wonder, the experience, no matter what it is, can be unappealing and low vibe. 


Why not use our God-given human gift of creativity and imagination and make it playful like a game like Florence Scovel-Shinn reminds us in her timeless classic "The Game of Life"? 


A game that never ends and one with no winner or losers, just a fun game to play, like dancing at a rave or festival.  You just do it to do it not because you win something. 


It is the ultimate in presence and being here NOW.


So why not make the next chapter of your life transformation like dancing at Burningman under the full moon with like-hearted souls? 


No attachment to the outcome, just fully immersed in the present moment, enjoying the process with beauty, faith, hope and LOVE. 


And I am here to serve as your “Spiritual Sherpa” who has walked the treacherous path a few times before you to help you along the long and winding journey.


Most importantly God is my Co-Founder and every single thing I share and teach is because of God’s direct messages to my heart and to all of my teachers who have shared their wisdom here on Earth. 


Not just authors, teachers, coaches, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, or others,  but the laughter of children, the tears of elderly, the smile of a stranger, the blossoming of a flower. 


Every interaction with every living being since birth is a

“Lesson and a Blessing”


That is why WE, my Co-Founder and I created the The 11x LOVE Method which consists of:

  • 11x LOVE Code Masterclass

  • 11x LOVE LaB Community(Lessons and Blessings)

  • 11x Game of LOVE (app coming soon) 

  • 11x LOVE LAWS (Love Always Wins- book coming soon)

Here's what you'll learn

In This 5-Step Transformational Masterclass, You Will:


Discover and Define
[SNAP! Start Now Align Purpose]
  • Your Divine Life Mission + Values + Beliefs

  • ​Know Thyself - MEhd + HOS( Human Operating System)

  • DJ/Warrior/Rockstar/Creator/Hacker Identity


Be a Detective - WTF Just Happened
[SNAP! Start Now Assess Problem]
  • ReConnect With the Divine

  • Admit + Audit All 11 Areas of Life 

  • 1st Obituary: Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda


Decide + Delete
[SNAP! Start Now Activate Power]

  • Decide + Commit to New Soul Contract

  • Curate Your Hi-5 Vibe Tribe Support Team

  • Delete + Forgive = Fabulous Freedom Funeral


Design Your Destiny
[SNAP! Start Now Awaken Possibilities]

  • Design: 11x LOVE Code - A Vision Board on Steroids

  • Dashboard for Progress + ROI of LOVE

  • 2nd Obituary = Dream Destiny


Do or Do Not
[SNAP! Start Now Achieve Progress ]

  • 5-V’s Daily LOVE Power Practice

  • Belong + Be Better 11x LOVE LaB

  • 4 C's of Progress

Happy 11x LOVE Client

Before working with Valerie I felt alone as a soulprepnuer, unclear about how to create a podcast and wishing for help in how to spiritualise my workflow.


She helped me come up with a step by step plan and motivation to immediately create my podcast, and helped me create a beautiful business altar which is keeping me optimystic and focused.

Christabel Zamor, Founder:

Who This Program Is For:

Heart-centered, visionary, mission-driven changemakers, creatives, healers, leaders, Bitcoiners, entrepreneurs, executives and your families and teams who desire inner peace, power, and prosperity in all 11 areas of life.

You who understand there is no such thing as a free lunch and that you must put in daily proof-of-work  and you agree to play ALL out and invest time, treasure, and talent each day to achieve your Divine Life Mission. 

You agree to take 111% radical self-responsibility for everything in your life and are willing to learn from your mistakes and look at life experiences as Lessons and Blessings.

You are open-minded, caring, generous and wish to give and receive support on the journey of evolution and creating exponential impact at scale.

You believe in "God" and wish to exponentially deepen your faith and relationship with "God" as your infinite supply and true source or power, strength, LOVE, and wisdom.

This Program Is NOT For You If:

You are NOT on the mission to make the world a way better place with your unique gifts and talents.

You think there is a quick fix shortcut for upleveling your work-life, health, wealth and inner power.

You have a perfectly balanced and harmonious life (call me I’ll hire you)

You do not believe in God, a Higher Power, the Universe, Source, The Divine, etc

You are not willing to let go of complaining, blaming, and shaming yourself and others.

You are not willing to radically focus and put in intense daily proof of work to achieve your Divine Life Mission.

You are not willing to let your old identity die and design a new one that is more aligned with your Divine Life Mission.

Why Choose Me as Your Guide?

val madeira speaking.png

Aloha! My name is Valerie B LOVE, and I will be your "Spiritual Sherpa"

35 Years Experience in Holistic Personal Growth

Co-Founder 11x LOVE Method

Co-Founder 2 Multi-Million Dollar Companies

Transformed Clients Lives ALL Over the World

Studied with Tony Robbins, Brendon  Burchard, Jay Abraham, Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo + learned from hundreds more.

Certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher 

6+ figures $, 5000+ hours of intense trauma healing, meditation, dance, chanting, energy work, NLP, hypnotherapy, DBT/CBT/IFS, Ibogaine/DMT/psilocybin/MDMA psychedelic therapy

Tons of massive pain and mistakes.Tons of wins and celebrations. I'm still learning every single day and I plan to learn until I die.

If you go on a journey to scale Mt. Everest...


Would you rather have a guide who is a PhD who got their understanding only from books and classrooms but never actually did the monumental journey you are embarking on? 




Would you rather have an actual “Spiritual Sherpa” who has been there and back several times and with that lived experience can help you adapt to new terrain, avoid pitfalls, and reach the peak? (and who read all the guide books that the PhD did)


I know who I would trust and work with every single time.


I WISH I had someone like who I am NOW - when I was in my shi!tshow dark night of the soul. 


I wonder if I would have been able to avoid ALL the pain, drama, and loss? 

Modern Work Desk


You Get This Inside The 11x LOVE Code Masterclass

Lifetime Access to all the modules in the 11x LOVE Code Masterclass

Private Mobile App (no scrolling distractions or ads)

Private 11x LOVE Code Masterclass Group

Earn Bitcoin Rewards for joyfully working on your goals

Special Discounts and Invitations to Student Events

Eligibility for 1:1 Coaching with me ( I only coach clients who are actively doing this program)

Eligibility for 11x LOVE LaB Community (Lessons and Blessings) 


This Program is Perfect for You If:

  • You're ready to stop playing small and embrace your true power

  • You want a holistic system that integrates spirituality with practical success

  • You're tired of band-aid solutions and want lasting transformation

  • You know you're meant for more but feel stuck in overwhelm

  • You are exhausted from the "Juggle Struggle" and ready for your new life

  • You're committed to making a massive impact while maintaining inner peace


This Program is NOT for You if:

  • You have your whole life all figured out (come be a teacher with us please) 

  • You blame others for your current situation

  • You are satisfied with the status quo

  • You are fine suffering in silence 

  • You don’t believe you can change so why bother

  • You are not willing to put in daily intentional effort

  • You do not believe in “God”, Universe, Source, etc

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you complete the program, do all of the modules, missions, and daily practices for 90 days and are not happy with your progress, you can request a full refund up to 90 days of purchase. 


If you are not happy ~  I am not happy.

(But I am supremely confident you will be happier if you do this program)

What is Value for Value 2.0?

11x LOVE LaB Community

Subscribe to the MOST EMPOWERING 
Newsletter on Earth

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©2025 💜 DJ Valerie B LOVE 

Privacy Policy & Terms

This website is intended for information purposes only. Nothing in it should be construed as financial, investment or medical advice. We are not financial advisors, lawyers, or doctors. Before deciding whether to invest in bitcoin, cryptocurrency, stocks, real estate, your Uncle Bob's latest business, or anything, DYOR you should do your own extensive research into the financial and technical aspects involved and consult your professional financial advisors, attorneys, and tax team.  Always consult your medical professional before making decisions and actions related to your physical and mental health. Absolutely nothing in this website should be considered advice related to that decision.

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