I'm DJ Valerie B LOVE - The Vibe Goddess
It's lovely to meet you!

I believe we can create a more peaceful, free, &
prosperous planet for ALL by fusing the power of music, personal growth, Bitcoin, & the unity of community.
MISSION: Accelerate PEACE, Freedom, and LOVE for ALL
VILLAIN: Corrupt System, Distraction, & Disconnection
HOW: Smash the Status Quo with Technology for Good
WHY: Because God Wants US to LOVE and Be LOVED
🩷 Luckiest Mom in the Universe
💜 Co-Founder 11x LOVE Method
🎙️ Host DJ Valerie B LOVE Show
☮️ Co-Founder Bitcoin for PEACE Project
🌍 Co-Visionary 1111 PEACE Park Project
✏️ Co-Founder SNAP! Goes the Human Project
🏡 Co-Founder Aloha Capital
⚔️ Co-Creator Manifest with LOVE Newsletter
“Because the World Needs More LOVE Hackers & Bitcoiners”

Make LOVE Viral.
I wasn’t born a LOVE Hacker
For decades, I was a badass DJ, wifey, mama, biz babe, PTO President, charter-boat captain, and soul seeker, but after a series of shame-filled, soul-crushing, near-death events, - I SNAPPED!
By the grace of God, I got to LIVE and experienced a quantum leap on my lifelong quest for spiritual growth, creative expression, and meaningful service.
As an Incurably Curious Possibilitarian and with the generous help and love from God, my family and friends, angels, teachers, mentors and investing wayyyyyy over 6-figures into my healing and learning, I humbly remodeled my shattered life from the inside out and am now more POWERFUL, PROSPEROUS, and JOYFUL than ever. LFG!
I hope that by sharing my blunders, bloopers, and victories I can help make your life just a bit easier and way more happy!
Every. Single. Organism. Can SNAP!
God is my Co-Founder on EVERYTHING (aka Goddess- Source-Creator- Life Force - Universe)
My Children - OMG - humility, patience, selflessness, unconditional LOVE
My Friends and Family - the fine art of having each other's backs
Ram Dass - being here now
Prince - rock on with ya bad self
Maharajii - pure love now
Tony Robbins - unleash my inner badass
John Lennon - imagine all the people living in harmony
Bob Marley - get up stand up
Lucy Wallace - Dance To Be Free
Quan Yin - compassion sweetie
Guru Nanak - we are one
Archangel Michael - I am safe and protected
Archangel Gabriel - creative genius in all
Grateful Dead - free flowing psychedelic togetherness
Burningman - extreme self-expression and self-responsibility
Bitcoin - decentralized, anti-fragile, immutable, fair programmable monetary policy for ALL
Music - is the Medicine & the DJ is the Doctor
Tesla - think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration
Einstein - Imagination is more important than knowledge
Mother Earth - our one and ONLY HOME SWEET HOME
Gandhi - power to the peaceful
Martin Luther King Jr. - non-violent activism is better
Brene Brown - vulnerability is power over shame gremlins
Louise Hay - you CAN heal your life
Wayne Dyer - yes you can
Margo Anand - my sassy sexuality is a superpower
Dr. Joe Dispenza - I can reprogram my life
Ibogaine - forgiveness and oneness HEAL trauma and addiction
LSD - the veil of illusion is lifted to reveal infinity and beyond
Ecstasy - LOVE self - LOVE All - empathy baby
Mushrooms - freedom from guilt and shame via giggles and creativity
DMT - interconnected mission to LOVE and heal OUR planet
Marijuana - Beavis and Butthead are real
Julia Cameron - the world needs my creativity to flow
SARK - let my sparkle SHINE
Napoleon Hill - mastermind with EPIC people
Gary Vaynerchuck - quit whining and make shit happen
Victor Frankl - mindset sets you free
Melody Beattie - stop people pleasing - I am ENOUGH
Hawaii - spirit of aloha lives within
Ho'oponopono - forgiveness rocks
Meditation - peace within
Prayer - direct conversation with God
Chanting - vibrational healing - vagus nerve baby!
Singing - shout my soul song
Dancing - exponential elevation - together
Bitcoin - LOVE go UP - my wallet is a blessing to self and others
Laughter - tension release baby
Sacred Intentional Orgasms - manifest my dreams - creative life force
Win-Win - best mindset and strategy of all
Beauty - environment and home matter
Art - unlimited possibilities in all dimensions
Eddie Murphy - I got some ice cream
Divorce - I could have done more to prevent it
Marriage - LOVE it (but only with the right Mr. Bitcoin Burrito-Man)
Dr. Seuss - Oh the places I'll go
Aretha - RESPECT
Angel Puppy - play first - snuggle next - then snacks - repeat
Mama Ocean - free flow fierce life force - liquid LOVE
Inner Peace - #1
Tech - with great power comes great responsibility
Tim Leary - stay TRUE to your ideals
Travel - embodied perspective shifts
Mother Theresa - care for those who no one cares about
Amma - hugs make the world go round
Ministers De La Funk and Jocelyn Brown - find a way to BELIEVE
DJ Valerie B LOVE - the Vibe Goddess identity - LOVE always wins
John Perkins - things are not always as they appear
Buckminster Fuller - form matters - build new- let old die
Dr. Saifadean Ammous - how money works
Alex Gladstein - fight for human rights via Bitcoin
Jeff Booth - we are all connected and everything goes to zero
Stevie Wonder - just as hate knows love's the cure - I'll be loving you always
Peter Diamandis & Salim Ismail - Exponential impact
Florence Scovel-Shinn - Life is Better as a Game not a War
Neville Goddard - Manifest Your Dream Life with Your Imagination- It Is Done
Marshall Rosenberg - 1) Observations · 2) Feelings · 3) Needs · 4) Requests.
Dr. David Spiegel - Self-Hypnosis with dual screens
Adam Curry - Value for Value baby!
In my recent/past life I also:
Co-Founder - 11x LOVE Method: Everyone. Everywhere. Everyday. Needs LOVE.
Co-Founder - Bitcoin for PEACE Project
Co-Founder SNAP! Goes the Human Project
Co-Founder Aloha Private Lending - Multi-million dollar real estate lending company
Co-Creatrix - Satoshi the Cyber Opera: The World's 1st Open-Source Cyber Opera for Peace
Globetrotting DJ with Valerie and the Vibe Tribe: Egypt, Malaysia, Burning Man, Miami, Microsoft, Salt Lake City Olympics, Vegas, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, San Diego, Mexico City, Toronto
Co-Founder: 2 EPIC children ;-)
Unfulfilled Accountant at Deloitte and Touche, Detroit and Payrolling.com
Founder: Non-profit GETM-Global Education Through Music-after school personal empowerment programs for kids
Captain Val: United States Coast Guard Charter Boat Captain and sailing instructor
Certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher: Sat Nam Baby