11x LOVE Manifesto
The powers that be want you numb, dumb, sick, scared, broke, hungry,
angry, lonely, horny, tired, distracted, divided & confused.
F^CK That.
Wouldn't you rather...
Live a meaningful & useful life in a safe, happy, and majestic world.
Of course you would!
We have a global crisis where billions of souls suffer every day from unnecessary
spiritual dehydration, human disconnection, and financial poverty.
As a result, nature is collapsing, systems are corrupt, and violence is rampant.
We live in a supremely abundant world yet billions of humans suffer in silence and feel meaningless, frazzled, ashamed, broke, broken, disconnected, frustrated, lost, alone, not good enough, depressed, fearful, anxious, hurt, unwanted, uncertain, confused, powerless, angry, out of control, stuck, scattered, unseen, suicidal, unappreciated, unworthy, & unloved.
Teach 11 million changemakers how to create and DO a holistic, consistent daily inner peace & power practice so they can become unruggable in all 11 areas of life and rock their missions.
DLP- "Daily LOVE Practice"
11x LOVE Method is a personalized treasure map for those who desire consistent health, harmony and prosperity in all areas of life.
Earn Your "ME.h.D" - Deeply Know Yourself
5 V’s - Vibe. Vision. Value. Villain. Victory.
11:11 Presence Practice 24x/day
Peer 2 Peer Accountability Support & Celebration
CONFUSION - Misunderstanding about the real financial system & holistic prosperity.
LIES - Disempowering mental programming from society, business, governments & religion.
APATHY - A feeling that we and what we do doesn't matter so why bother.
DISCONNECTION - Sense of not belonging & lack of consistent mission-driven community experiences.
DRIFTING - Lack of consistent daily power practices that yield exponential results.
CONNECT: To be the world's funnest, most impactful "11x LOVE Warrior Club" by bringing together at least 1 million souls a year to rock their actual superpowers, achieve their unique Divine Mission, and live truly prosperous lives.
EMPOWER: To teach at least 1 million new souls a year how to design a unique, holistic DIPP - Daily LOVE Practice based on their own 11x LOVE Warrior Code so they can achieve consistent work/life harmony, meaning, and epic fulfillment.
GROW: Develop 1 million future 11x LOVE Warriors who teach others how to "Be the LOVE" so they can create exponential social, environmental, and economic impact with measurable results.
GIVE: To help 11x LOVE Warriors design meaningful lives that overflow with so much LOVE and abundance that we all happily donate 11% of our prosperity to charity with a goal of at least $1 billion per year.
4-LEGG Promises
LOVE - To promote peace and harmony by helping people "Be the LOVE" every day.
EARN - To share the exponential social impact of earning money & Bitcoin for good.
GIVE - To accelerate the betterment of humanity by encouraging individuals and businesses to donate 11% of their prosperity to charity.
GLOW - To ignite the celebration of our sacred lives each and every day.
We believe business, activism, & art are spiritual adventures that multiply prosperity & LOVE.
We believe all humans deserve LOVE, especially those suffering in silence.
We believe the world is way better when all life co-thrives in groovy harmony.
We believe it's 111% possible to co-create a peaceful and prosperous world for all.
We believe sharing is caring and daring.
We believe everyone has a unique mission in this life and it's our duty to rock it.
We believe conscious business and art are the most powerful vehicles to change the world.
We believe everyone is born with unique superpowers yet many fail to use them.
We believe it's our Divine Duty to thrive and prosper in all areas of life
"Start With LOVE"
"Invest in LOVE Daily"
"Maximize the ROI of LOVE"
"Give 11% of Our Prosperity To Charity"
"LEGG: LOVE More. Earn More. Give More. Glow More."
"Make Progress FUN"
"Proximity Is Prosperity"
"Demonstrate Proof of Work"
"Are True To Our Hearts"
"Raise Your Vibe - Rock Your Dreams"
"Control Stress to Rock Success"
"Have FUN - Get the Right Sh!t Done"
"Go Further, Faster, Funner Together"
"Battle the Frazzle"
"Be the LOVE"
"Leverage LOVE to Grow Prosperity"
"Have Each Other's Backs"
"Seek 1st To Understand Then To Be Understood"
"Are Always Growing"
"Multiply LOVE and Prosperity For All"
"Practice PEACE, LOVE and Prosperity Daily"
"Make PEACE, LOVE & Prosperity Contagious"
"Leave a Trace of LOVE, Light, and Grace"
We Are a Global Community of:
11x LOVE Hackers
Playful Possibilitarians
Badass Bitcoiners
Nature Ninjas
Sacred Ceremonialists
Radiant Rebels
Wealth Captains
Consciousness Gardeners
Harmony Professors
Magic Money Magnets
Sassy Psychonauts
Joy Optimizers
Dream Jockeys
Invincible Souls
Fierce Philanthropists
Collaborative Creators
Hi-Vibe Visionaries
Funky Fashionistas
Lifelong Learners
Spiritual Explorers
Peace Practitioners
Incurable Curiosity
Insatiable Hunger for Harmony
Passion for Peace
Focus on the Future
An Obsession for Good
Relentless Optimism
Unconditional Compassion
Addiction to Growth
Stand for Your Big Dreams
Use Our Imagination and Begin With the End in Mind
Take Your Success Seriously
Support Hyperbitcoinization
Treat You Like Family
Use Music as Medicine
Demonstrate Proof of Work
Work Hard and Play Harder
Self-Righteousness and Judgment
Sloppy Half-Assery and Excuses
Blaming, Shaming, and Complaining
Victim Vibes
Dishonesty and Dickishness
Hate to LOVE
Violence to Peace
Poverty to Prosperity
Pain to Joy
Fear to Faith
Doubt to Hope
Dis-ease to Health
Shame to Compassion
Limitations to Possibilities
Separation to Unity
Frazzle to Dazzle
Slavery to Freedom
Let's Rock This TOGETHER.